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Felinexpress.com Home > Cat Product Reviews > Cat Toys > Neko Flies

Neko Flies - It’s Swat’s Happening!

What intrigues me most about this innovative cat toy is how it brings out the full prey drive in all my cats. Hissy had been hiding under the bed for weeks. He was a new arrival here at my private rescue and was only seven weeks old. He had been abused and neglected and his trust meter was set on low.  No amount of coaxing, treats, food or catnip would bring him out of hiding.
Enter Neko Flies into his territory and one pass around the bed (with me sitting on top of the bed) brought this tuxedo kitten out like a shot! He grabbed that Kittenator (looks like a large mouse with an extremely fluffy tail). He wanted to take it under the bed, but the attached line of woven string was strong enough to prevent him winning this tug-of-war. I was impressed, for most wand toys that my group tests, the string is flimsy and easily breaks, but not the Kittenator. As Hissy reached the end of the line, his growls filled the room and I had to laugh. He had forgotten that someone had put him into an alien world and his concentration focused not on me or his temporary imprisonment in our Master Bedroom, but rather on this mouse currently hanging out of his mouth. We spent about 15 minutes in interactive play. Afterward, I rewarded his courage with a special meaty treat before leaving with the toy in tow.
During our playtime, my other cats quietly lined up outside the screen door we had installed in our bedroom. As I exited trailing the Kittenator, the full frontal attack began. Tandem, my seven-month old black kitten leaped on top of the toy and tried to drag it and me off to the corner. By this time, all the cats had come into the hallway. Even Fiona who NEVER plays with toys joined into the fun which really surprised me. She had been kept in a birdcage for over a year and horribly neglected. Toys were foreign to this calico beauty- but she wanted that Kittenator badly!
We had a romping good time together and twenty minutes later, I was able to secure the toy away from the gang and tuck it inside of a Tupperware container and secure the lid. It was either that or stick it in our safety deposit box, because frankly, this toy is a treasure! It is a supervised toy to play with for sure. During his turn, my husband accidentally loosened his hold on the wand and Barnum took off in a full run dragging the kittenator, wand and all down the tunnel into the cat enclosure. I rescued it quickly but it was quite a battle to get His Orangeness to let go!  I have successfully been able to use the Kittenator with Hissy to break down the barriers between us, merging him into general population quicker because of this toy.
The toy is manufactured by nekochan enterprises, inc. and every toy they make is tested by their own cats before being offered to the cat-loving consumer. This toy rivals Da Bird and in my opinion comes out way on top. It is sturdier, easier to manipulate and attracts all the cats’ attention instead of just a few. Perfect for your house cat who may be bored from just laying around the house, and nekoflies would also help an obese cat lose some weight. I can tell that Ellen, the owner of Nekochan is passionate about cats and understands what they need to keep them fully engaged and happy.
Visit www.nekoflies.com  for more product information. My suggestion, go for the full package, especially if you share your home with more than one cat.  You can’t miss with nekoflies. Big Paws Way Up from the crew and myself for this wonderful, fun and engaging toy.

  1. Korat
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  3. Javanese
  4. Japanese Bobtail
  5. Somali
  6. Abyssinian
  7. Turkish Van
  8. Siamese
  9. Egyptian Mau
  10. Oriental Shorthair
  11. Tonkinese
  12. Bengal
  13. Norwegian Forest Cat
  14. Cornish Rex
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