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Felinexpress.com Home > Cat Product Reviews > Cat Furniture > KatKabin Dez Rez

KatKabin Dez Rez

Theirs was a gradual love affair, not love at first sight. After a few days of being introduced into the home, the KatKabin Dez Rez began to have daily visitors of the feline variety. At first the visits were purely of curiosity. Sammy, the bravest Siamese in the house, became the first kitty to venture into the cozy, dark confines of the KatKabin Dez Rez. Soon others would join in (one at a time) testing out the cat cave, an affair that would prove to brief as Sammy returned to lay claim on his true love.

Designed to appeal to the human whimsy along with the feline fancy, the KatKabin Dez Rez, offered by www.brinsea.com (a leading manufacturer of egg incubators) provides an innovative cat shelter for your cat. Weatherproof, durable, resembling a chunky little kitty on stubby legs, the KatKabin Dez Rez is an ideal addition for your home, garage, front or back porch of your home.

Ideally, the KatKabin Dez Rez works best in a sheltered location away from heavy wind and rain and direct sunlight. Aerodynamically designed, the oval confines of the KatKabin Dez Rez allows the air to circulate inside, while stubby little cat feet keeps the shelter up off the cold ground aiding in keeping kitty warm when the temperatures start to drop. Slots inside the feet are provided for security and stability. You can easily insert screws into the slots and secure the KatKabin Dez Rez to your porch or deck.

Available in a variety of appealing colors with a removable katflap and washable KatKushion, the KatKabin Dez Rez measures 22” long 16”wide 13” high and weighs 10 lbs. The price of the unit retails at $99.00.  The price of seeing Sammy, completely in love, resting in comfort and style inside his KatKabin Dez Rez……priceless.

  1. Korat
  2. Balinese
  3. Javanese
  4. Japanese Bobtail
  5. Somali
  6. Abyssinian
  7. Turkish Van
  8. Siamese
  9. Egyptian Mau
  10. Oriental Shorthair
  11. Tonkinese
  12. Bengal
  13. Norwegian Forest Cat
  14. Cornish Rex
  15. Siberian

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